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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

David Archuleta - Here I Am

Saw this one on YouTube a month ago. The song will perfectly suit David Archuleta for the win. I hope they will pick this one for him.

I am actually a bit worried David Cook will bag the title this year.

It's okay for me whoever won this year though. At least if Archuleta placed second, he can record (or his dad) any song he wants. LOLz

NOTE: The song is an entry to the American Idol Songwriting contest and is only a demo version. It is not David Archuleta singing the song.


JCarlos said...

i hope you've watch American Idol final round last night. it was SOOOO HOT. as simon sez, 'archuleta show us a knockout'. yun lang. hehehe! nice song by the way.

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