Current Affairs | Sebastian Castro and Arnold Reyes

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Brett Mycles (1977-2007)

aka Rob Sager, Brett has appeared on All-American Guys and has done videos for Sharpshooter Studios.

He died on February 28, 2007 due to a heart failure (geez, I am so late for this due to my rare visits on the internet).

You will be missed, Brett.


Anonymous said...

oh wow....i hadn't heard the news until i just read it here.

Anonymous said...

WOW! A fit guy like Brett who was only age 30!

It just goes to show you that you never know how long you've got to live!

I guess that we all should learn a lesson from this poor guy and live better lives.

We should be more considerate of our fellow human beings and try to benefit others while we are alive!

We should try and make a positive difference with our lives.

Even Dinosaurs left foot-prints!


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