Current Affairs | Sebastian Castro and Arnold Reyes

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Jobbe - Pinoy Young Muscle Hunk

Photos © John Andresen
More photos here

Sayang walang underwear shots...


Unknown said...

do you know his real name, is not only jobbe right, when we look at his chest we found JL J sould be Jobbe but how about L you in same country so you probably know who him, i kind of attracted to him :), can you give me his real name

Unknown said...

so do you know his real name, because i can't found him with only word Jobbe, when we look again to his chest you see word JL, J is can be Jobbe but how about L, you in same country so probably you know who he is, can you give me his real name i really attracted to him :), please help me i want him


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