Current Affairs | Sebastian Castro and Arnold Reyes

Saturday, June 05, 2010

McDonald's gay TV ad in France

YouTube URL


Mac Callister said...

ang cute nun guy!

whatiswhatwillbe said...

haha this was funny tho... =)

Hybrid said...

Only in France. Epic.

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jjquimora said...

very gay!

Mac Callister said...

ang cute!!!i love it kakiligggg

Fickle Cattle said...

I love this ad. Sweet, subtle, and slightly sad.

Anonymous said...

love it... pa-burger naman dyan...

Anonymous said...

God is merciful & loving, He desires to forgive & restore those lost to Him.
Jesus Christ did not pass by. He had compassion on our miserable condition. He was moved with pity, and in mercy He came to where we were, beat and bruised by sin, and lying half-dead. He bandaged us with His love and mercy, and as a magnificent display of His amazing grace, He went to the cross and purchased our healing, and our rest, and our forgiveness.


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