Current Affairs | Sebastian Castro and Arnold Reyes

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


My other hard drive which carried all of my stuffs (*G* or not) crashed last Saturday when I went back home in Muntinlupa. I haven't touched it nor did anything to it yet. I was so scared maybe my files are still there or something. The computer just suddenly wasn't able to read that drive. It just says "Local Disk (E:)" and not the volume drive label. me guys. Any help will do.

For now, I won't be updating any of my blogs right now for obvious reasons. I've got nothing to update to 'cause the scheduled postings & stuffs for the next couple of weeks are all gone.


Anonymous said...

I understand your frustration. I was close to devastated when my external hard disk of 80G stopped working. All my collections (music, video, documents, etc.) of many years were gone in seconds. But as they say, life goes on. We pick up the pieces and live again like the phoenix born anew from the ashes.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I can help you out? Call me at 09153805424

Brad said...

This happened to me a million times since I first had my computer.

I do believe most, if not all, of your files can still be recovered.

Be careful of the things you touch. Because sometimes, you may think you will need to resolve to a hard disk data file restoration when in fact (this will recover some or most of your files), you can recover all of your files by other means of hardware fixes (depending on your system and the type of hard drive you have).


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