Current Affairs | Sebastian Castro and Arnold Reyes

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jerome Ortiz

Jerome Ortiz won the 2006 Mossimo Bikini Summit Male Division.

I've previously posted this photo set before on my defunct Yahoo! Groups.

(click thumbnails for a larger version)
Jerome Ortiz Jerome Ortiz Jerome Ortiz
Jerome Ortiz Jerome Ortiz Jerome Ortiz
Jerome Ortiz Jerome Ortiz Jerome Ortiz
Jerome Ortiz Jerome Ortiz Jerome Ortiz
Jerome Ortiz Jerome Ortiz Jerome Ortiz
Jerome Ortiz Jerome Ortiz Jerome Ortiz
Jerome Ortiz Jerome Ortiz Jerome Ortiz
Jerome Ortiz


Anonymous said...

He's too hot! I'm speechless!

chinoybrat said...


Anonymous said...

I think I have this set na, pero I'm saving it again to my hard drive. thanks! i really like this hottie!


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