Current Affairs | Sebastian Castro and Arnold Reyes

Friday, October 17, 2008

Lea Salonga and other celebrities stand up against breast cancer

Hmm..I've worked for a photography studio for more than a year (plus some web designing years) so I know from a distance if a picture is Photoshopped or not.

Sheez, she looks like Gretchen Barretto here. That mere observation made it worse! Urgh! Maybe it's the lighting though.

Well anyway, it doesn't matter. I still love Lea and I have seen this magazine a few weeks back. It's just that even if I bought it then, I may not be able to scan it.

It's nice to know Lea is up against breast cancer. I actually felt guilty I wasn't able to put up the pink ribbon on my banner for October. It's never too late though, I'll be going home this weekend to fix the banner.

Special thanks to PEP & Marie Claire

Related links:
Lea Salonga and other celebrities stand up against breast cancer
Summit Media

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