Monday, April 30, 2012

CNN's 'Eye On: The Philippines'

CNN will air a 2 week special "Eye On: The Philippines" starting April 30 to May 10.

More Fun in the Philippines! It's our time to shine!

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Philip Fusco

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Stefano Langone - I'm On A Roll (Live on American Idol)

No, of course Stefano Langone wasn't shirtless when he performed his new single "I'm On A Roll" on American Idol last week. I wish he did though! LOL

Actually, the song's growing on me.

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Gay Marine says 'I do' on base, a first

[Camp Pendleton, CA] San Diego resident, Cory Huston, a Navy veteran once assigned to the Marines as a hospital corpsman asked Marine Avarice Guerrero to marry him. It is believed to be the first proposal of marriage and engagement between two gay men – not to mention two war vets – on a US military base.

Read exclusive article at LGBT Weekly

Photos © San Diego LGBT Weekly