Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Jomar Niloban

Taken from the virgin issue of 'Red Hot' magazine.

(right-click, 'Save Link As' to download hi-res image)


  1. Hello Dave,

    Nice blog site you got there. Actually, I just learned about your site from e-mails in my Yahoo! Groups. I don't usually open links because my computer had been infected by viruses several times when I click on an unfamiliar link. But then I clicked the link to your site, however, and boy how impressed I am. Nice site indeed.

    Practically, I like everything you are posting in this site. No wonder I make it sure to visit this site as often as possible.

    More power to you and we hope to see more stuff in this site in the future. Specifically I like to see more Filipino men in this site as well as M2M or M2F sex scandals.

    Warm regards,
    Bai Ronji (bai_ronji@yahoo.com)

  2. Hello Dave!

    I wonder who is Jomar Niloban? Is he famous? Can you kindly post additional info about him? Where can I get a copy of Red Hot?

    Nice blog by the way! I've been visiting almost everyday......
