Friday, May 04, 2012
Tom Price
Thomas Price
(or Tom Price) starred in the 2010 Hong Kong gay film
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Globe iPhone 4S
Saw this last weekend. Geez, who is this guy? LOL
YouTube URL
Maximus Thomas
Yep, another wifebeater! LOL
Lady Antebellum - Dancin' Away With My Heart
I didn't know that they already released this!
One of my fave songs from their third CD
Own The Night
YouTube URL
Sombrero Galaxy
The Sombrero Galaxy (also known as M104 or NGC 4594) resembles a Mexican sombrero due to its large central bulge and a prominent dust dust ring.
It was discovered in March 1767 by French astronomer Pierre Méchain and is at least 29 million light years away from the Earth!
More info about the Sombrero Galaxy:
Astronomy Magazine
Sombrero Galaxy Wikipedia Page
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