Thursday, April 22, 2010

4 Years

It's been 4 years huh? Woah..

I'd like to thank everyone who have supported this blog since day 1, even way back when I was still active via the Yahoo! Groups (around 2001-2003).

And please accept my apologies for not updating this blog for about 5 months. Those days are over. It's not like I will post religiously everyday. Give me time to adjust again.

The honest to goodness reason why I'm back is due to the fact that some friends over Facebook and through SMS are already asking me to go back blogging. I could say I miss blogging. But the past couple of months was a rollercoaster in terms of work, family & home internet issues. And I had to deal with each and every one of them every step of the way.

Then there's these agents, studios & actual models sending me e-mails to remove this and that. Heck! I don't think sharing these stuffs and me not making a single cent out of them will cost me everything so I decided to back-off a little bit.

The good thing is that my love life is doing great. June & I will be celebrating our 2nd year tomorrow. I have no issues whatsoever, well except for the monthly electric and rent bills, add to that the water & laundry maintenance. Everyday we're like, so what are we gonna cook tomorrow? Whew!

I actually gave myself a time off, that's all. Now I'm back. I may not be the active one as before, but I'll try my best. Liek I said, give me some time. Problem is, my effin' harddrive is not yet fixed! Urghh!!!

I must admit ang dami kong na-miss i-share. Photos, MP3s, videos. Well, there are some blogs out there who's sharing videos anyway so I'll probably skip the videos for good.

Here's hoping to another four years and again, thank you all for your continued support!